Bossley Park High School

Focusing on Excellence and Success

Telephone02 9823 1033


Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Science 7-10 provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real-world problems. Science emphasises the skills for working scientifically, as well as critical and creative thinking to address scientific issues.

In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
  • Physics.

In Year 12, students who are studying at least one other science subject may also choose to study Science Extension.

Faculty aims

The Science faculty are committed to providing the students of Bossley Park High School with quality teaching and learning experiences that cater towards 21st century learners. Teachers are frequently engaged in professional development workshops to further our skills.

We focus on providing practical experiences for our Science students so that they can apply their scientific knowledge to real life situations. This allows them to develop an understanding of the world around them and become scientifically literate citizens.

Faculty extracurricular or extension

  • Chemistry Titration Competition
  • Science and Engineering Challenge
  • Science Competition
  • After school GAT programs
  • HSC after school revision classes
  • Agriculture Show Team
  • iSTEM (build trebuchets, LED lighting, RC vehicles, materials testing, programming, Arduino & robotics)

Bringing back memories - Special moments in student's science learning