Each student belongs to a House. The House groupings are mainly for student roll call, though there is a House sporting competition. The four Houses are Edina (green), Gandangara (yellow), Sartor (red) and Tarburton (blue).
Edina Henry was born in 1866. She is important to us because she was the first school teacher in this area. Edina Henry was the mistress of Bossley Park Provisional School. This school cost just over 75 pounds (that is approximately $150) to build and it opened for its first class on 16thNovember, 1890. In 1891, it became a public school because of the increasing numbers of students. However, declining numbers caused it to be closed from 1894 to 1900.
The colour for Edina house banner is green. The name Edina represents education almost 100 years ago. The black and white trim on the banner represents the Bossley Park High School colours.
The Gandangara Aboriginal people were the original inhabitants of a large area reaching into the Bossley Park district. The eel was the totem for the Gandangara people. This totem influenced every strata of the Gandangara lifestyle.
The only place which is recorded as an Aboriginal dreaming place in the metropolitan area is called Bents Basin near Wallacia. It is known to the Gandangara people as Guljer. Guljer is still of great significance to the Gandangara local Aboriginal land council.
The colour for Gandangara is yellow. The red and black trim on the banner are taken from the colours of the Aboriginal flag.
The Sartor family originally came from Musano, a village in Italy, not far from the city of Venice.
Francesco Sartor came to Australia in 1922. He lived in Queensland for 4-5 years, before moving back to Sydney and settling in Bossley Park in 1926-1927. The family built a house and farmed the block of land on which this school is now situated.
Over time, the land was used as a vineyard, a market garden and a chicken farm. The land was owned by the family for almost 60 years and was sold to the Department of Education in 1981-2.
The colour for Sartor is red. The white and green trim are taken from the national colours of Italy.
Bossley Park is named in honour of the Bossley family.
John Brown Bossley was born on the 10th of October, 1810 at Edensor, a village in Derby, England. He arrived in Australia on ship ‘John Craig’ in December 1832 and married on the 2ndApril, 1836 to Louisa Holdsworth. Soon after they made their home in this district and named their property ‘Edensor Park’. The homestead still stands today.
On 10th November, 1846 the Bossley’s second youngest son was born. He was named ‘Tarburton’ after Frances Tarburton, his great grandmother. Tarburton lived to the age of 86. Today, Fairfield Showground stands on part of Tarburton Bossley’s estate.
The colour for Tarburton is blue. The red and white trim on the banner are taken from the Union Jack. John Brown Bossley has been described as a true patriot. He flew the Union Jack every day on the flag pole at Edensor Park house.
School details
Opening Hours: 8.15am – 3.15pm
Payment Hours: 8.15am – 2.00pm
CRICOS provider name: NSW Department of Education
CRICOS provider code: 00588M